Thursday, April 30, 2009

Our little Tiger in the Making...

Ty got some golf clubs (I think for his birthday last year) and he goes through phases of loving golf.  Since its starting to warm up and people are offering to take him (his Nana and his godmommy) he is back in the swing of things.  We were at the driving range and someone walking past us made a comment about him being a Tiger Woods in the making.  He turned to me and asked why everyone always said that to him.  I asked him what he thought and he said "Because I'm the only little brown boy here."  Such a perceptive boy he is:)  At least one other person (that I heard) did say something about Tiger Woods to him - its pretty funny.  I don't think he has the patience to follow through on it though.

Lex had a ball watching him, and eating  and throwing the gravel and the soft practice balls he brought.  

In other news I think I've written before about the patch of eczema on Lexi's face that won't go away and how it sounds like she's having trouble breathing.  Well when we took her for her checkup Ciara asked for a referral to a dermatologist.  When I mentioned that it had gotten a lot better when I stopped breast feeding the doctor suggested we do an allergy test.  We got the results back yesterday and it turns out she has a mild allergy to egg whites and a moderate one to peanuts.  She'll need an Epi-pen for the peanuts, especially when she goes to school.  We're not sure about the egg whites though.  It seems like so many things have eggs in their ingredients so thats going to be tricky if we have to cut out all eggs.  We're still waiting for a call back from the our pediatrician's office to see about what she can and can't eat.  We're trying to stay away from anything with eggs in the ingredients.  I was pretty sure macaroni and cheese was safe - i triple checked the label and compared all the ingredients to the list that was on the internet.  She's doing the funny breathing thing again so now I'm thinking maybe I was wrong.  It also makes me think maybe we weren't completely crazy the night we took her to the ER.  She started making the noises right after she was eating something - of course neither one of us can remember what it was she was eating.  

On a final note - this is the reason she might continue to sleep in our bed (or at least fall asleep there) forever!!!  This is the ONLY time she's still and cuddles with me.  Even when she's drinking her bottle and falling asleep she is crazy,  kicking, squirming, pinching and scratching.   She is such a nut!!!!  

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