- Fussy babies: What calming tricks work? What's normal? When do I worry?
- Family beds/Co-sleeping: the transition to a crib or bassinet, 8 year old still coming into bed, snuggle nest
- Breast feeding: supply, pain!!!!, how can you tell if what you're eating is bothering the baby and how do you fix it?
- Much older sibling: how to create a good balance (attention, buying things, etc.)
- Baby acne and diaper rash on a girl baby
- Babies of color: when do they get their color? When will hair get curly? Baby doesn't look like mommy.
So I had three small victories in the close to two hours it took to finish this post: First she stopped crying, Second she took the pacifier and gave my poor tatas a break, and Third SHE'S ASLEEP!!!!!
If you don't have The Happies Baby on the Block - get it (the DVD). The 5 Ss are great - sucking, swaddling, swinging, shushing (white noise), and putting them on their side. 3 out of 5 work for Owen.
I hear ya on the breast fedding. It's almost a crap shoot. I've started supplementing and pumping and with those things I'm feeling a lot better about what he's actually getting.
And on a side note, I'm glad you guys are blogging!
Candice is SO RIGHT about the DVD - go and get it now!! It is awesome & totally saved us :)
Breastfeeding is hard. I pumped every 2 hours in the beginning to get my supply going. It was a pain - but it worked. Each time you pump or breast feed, drink a big glass of water too!
Thanks guys!!! I hope the DVD works for us too!!! Although today and tonight so far have been much better than yesterday. Thank goodness for our Moby Wrap.
I've got the big ole cup they gave me at the hospital filled with ice water sitting right next to my bed:P
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